Changing the Geodesic of Space

                           Changing the Geodesic of Space
                                                       written by: Rodney Kawecki

Here I will try and explain the deity of space and gravity as it relates to the universe,

We look at space with the idea that space is IDLE.

The turntable of the record player spins in a 360-degree circle, gravity is a constant force of a specific spin caused by a mass. In content with our universe, it's a big mass. We know this when we look at Hubble Law nd the Hubble constant because that's how fast. The space fabric is a liquid. This is the reason idle objects don't slip off into infinity' Space is three dimensional in content with the larger mass that causes the action by expanding.  

It is the three-dimensional mass that creates 3D gravity. Its speed is measured by how fast the mass expands. Space is not idle, it is objected existing on this space that act idle because they sit in the space grid. Spin ours because how fast the center of mass spins as well because it is the space gravitation fabric that is the repulse action to all objects as well as itself because it is in the space field as well..

Space is infinite when we measure it by itself. The material universe made up of all the matter is only the amount of mass expanding in the space created at the big bang event.

 The record turntable when the source is turned on starts turning. We look at the turning table in the same way we look at idle space. Our ship on the table sits on the table as it spins and shows to be idle meaning no acceleration. 

But later when acceleration is enhanced, the ship begins traveling.

These are the circumstances...
The mass of the object meaning the weight measured by the force of gravity acting on the mass or object that is held together by the force of universal space zero density in comparison to the weight and mass of c1, held together by the force of space at c4.

The actual mass of the universe is measure by its expansion. It's the slowest velocity its diameter divided by pi together determines its mass force.

Mass is, therefore, the amount of energy that is held in the fabric of a weighted object but dependent on the force of the planet's gravity. 

So Now What is Negative mass?

Mass is negative when it retains zero energy. What this means is that the object is massless, retains zero or o mass, no energy, no weight and zero fluent attraction occurs except by exterior source..

How does this work?

Negative mass acceleration occurs when the media your travel through is negative as well and because of this the object in its media retains the same negative elements. Newton's law when he measured the distance between masses by the size of the masses.

Gravity Push assist

In orbital mechanics and aerospace engineering, a gravitational slingshot, gravity assist maneuver, or swing-by is the use of the relative movement and gravity of a planet or other astronomical object to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft, typically to save propellant and reduce expense.

Gravity assistance can be used to accelerate a spacecraft, that is, to increase or decrease its speed or redirect its path. The "assist" is provided by the motion of the gravitating body as it pulls on the spacecraft.[1] The gravity assist maneuver was first used in 1959 when the Soviet probe Luna 3 photographed the far side of Earth's Moon and it was used by interplanetary probes from Mariner 10 onwards, including the two Voyager probes' notable flybys of Jupiter and Saturn.

Einsteins Train

A close terrestrial analogy is provided by a tennis ball bouncing off the front of a moving train. Imagine standing on a train platform, and throwing a ball at 30 km/h toward a train approaching at 50 km/h. The driver of the train sees the ball approaching at 80 km/h and then departing at 80 km/h after the ball bounces elastically off the front of the train. Because of the train's motion, however, that departure is at 130 km/h relative to the train platform; the ball has added twice the train's velocity to its own.

Translating this analogy into space: in the planet reference frame, the spaceship has a vertical velocity of v relative to the planet. After the slingshot occurs the spaceship is leaving on a course 90 degrees to that which it arrived on. It will still have a velocity of v, but in the horizontal direction.[2] In the Sun reference frame, the planet has a horizontal velocity of v, and by using the Pythagorean Theorem, the spaceship initially has a total velocity of √2v. After the spaceship leaves the planet, it will have a velocity of v + v = 2v, gaining around 0.6v.

Rocket Mass is canceled out by the Universe Equilibrium Non-directional Push Force

Rocket engines can certainly be used to increase and decrease the speed of the spacecraft. However, rocket thrust takes propellant, propellant has mass, and even a small change in velocity (known as Δv, or "delta-v", the delta symbol being used to represent a change and "v" signifying velocity) translates to a far larger requirement for propellant needed to escape Earth's gravity well.

In the illustration, a ship travels directly towards an orbiting planet's gravity well, that area at the lower moving parts of the planet that acts as the densest area where the planets steady-state maneuvers in direct contact with space which is its gravity well. At this lower point, the ship directly travels towards increasing its velocity until it speeds raises coming into contact with the planet's dense-area gravity well than maneuvers out in a slingshot curvature maneuver. The induction of his maneuver increases and adds with it the direct velocity of the planets space gravity well curvature energy that adds speed to the ship.

We can also review the reverse vacuum repulsion warp drive rendered from the universes space expansion illustrating its physical effect to the velocity of an accelerated vessel in space. Unlike the slingshot effect, we are talking about the repulsive push force of gravity in space. Where the space expansion is measured with an action point of 450,000 m/s., as a high point for space gravitation this is the fastest velocity the theory allows for acceleration in space. Like earth gravity that acts to slow moving objects to fifty percent the energy input. A moving object can only travel fifty percent of the engines force meaning if the energy is potting out 100 miles per hour of energy, the vessel can only travel 50 miles an hour.

In space because of the universes expansion force, a ship will travel its fullest potential. Due to the reverse vacuum force that generates push force energy and not attraction like on earth or other planets. A ship accelerated to 10,000 miles per hour will travel 99.999 percent its instrumental force in milage per hour. In the same case, as a vessel accelerated to 1,000 miles per hour, instead of any attraction of gravity, the vessel will travel 1,000 mph.

The advance study to reverse vacuum drive theory is the fact that in a reverse vacuum equilibrium space field type 'D' illustrates that since the gravitic field shows to be a push force when compared to known attraction gravity forces that are known, it would illustrate an "Idle Space Equilibrium" statue of the equilibrium being non-attractive and or non-gravitoric which has an idle space momentum measurement to zero-point energy in relationship to both a vessel in non-acceleration nor any attraction in open space.

Finally, when acceleration occurs the vessel is accelerated specifically and directly from a point of zero gravity and a point from being at idle, and accelerated beyond its engineered propulsion velocity specifically and directly from gaining measurable acceleration because of the absents of gravity (attraction and or energy) where observations made directly from a repulsive push force from the affected equilibrium and not directly to its physical propulsion, the vessel engages in push force comparable accelerations beyond the scope of its physical engineering capabilities in its design but directly proportional to the space expansion itself..

v + v + v + v = 4v
a + b + c + d

velocity + slingshot + 100 %v + pf = 4v 

The Repulse Gravity Force

  How can positive energy become dormant meaning that the mass inside the materials object is neither detected or active by some external entity to pulsate a gravity force.? In space, the attraction between masses is a barrier by a similar mass. Same masses repeal. In space a ship having a positive mass (shell) does the same it repeals existing close masses like stars and planets and repeals their energy. 

  A ship idle in space than accelerating its mass does not increase due to its un-connection with secondary energy like on earth as the planet's core affects a moving mass on its surface. 

  In space, the surface of space is intermediate to its position on the space grid. The grid surface dopes not retain energy so when the ship starts accelerating how can the hip mass gain energy as relativity states. 

  Why do objects even having mass sit in space idle from acceleration? It sits because the space field the grid its surface is a repulse platform. Our ship sits on it because it repeals masses, energy, anything accelerating and any energy from the ship's engines and acceleration mode are dormant from being connected to affect any mass effects of energy-mass gain or energy-mass matter of the ship. 

   Mass acted dormant before the big bang event happen and it was the intense and infinitesimally of the bang that causes a cold fusion of energy that generates all matter. In an empty vacuum environment, a mass object acts according to its surrounding environment in the same way it takes the planet's energy to create a gravtoric connection between the two energies. In space, it is this connection that lacks position when in space. 


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