The New Quanta Physics Theory for Universal Gravity Force

The Quanta Physics Theory on Universal

Rodney Kawecki Author


Isaac Newton born in 1642 in his latter years formulated the three laws of motion:

Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Isaac Newton is the closest theorist to consider the universal inhabitant of gravitation. Besides his three las of gravitation he included a universal law that asserts any object in motion will stay in motion in a straight line unless enacted upon by an external force.  His law in universal gravity asserts an indifference that exist when the moving body in in view of the source of gravitation. What this says is that in a closed system like a planet system atmosphere there exist an energy indifference between the different planets stars and galactic systems of a celestial body.

What this entails is when we look at gravitation we observe different forces of the gravity when we observe the atmospheres of the different bodies such as the different planets. In all when we view the universe as a whole we observe gravitation as the fabric by which all matter planetary and alike all the way to galactic matter resides upon as a celestial body.

What this tells us is that body of the space grid that part of the universe that all matter resides upon in relativity theory we consider as a core for universal gravitation. The atmosphere like the earth’s atmosphere in which acts as the system for gravitation when we consider the universe as a whole it is the space grid – the fabric surface that which everything planet like resides is considered gravitation.

We look at space as the connected area like we do when we measure gravitation here on earth. We observe using Isaac Newton’s equation F=ma measured in the moving body in the earth’s atmosphere as the facts we measure its gravitation by. In space this same observation is a little different. The fabric of space all planet like matter obeys by is the surface gravitation would be measured by.  We observe Newton’s equations here on earth having an attraction force measured at 9.8 m/s. (meters a second) But in space it’s a little different. The space field the area above the ground surface that in outer space is an expanding bubble pushing away the planetary celestials is the same repulsive gravitational force as the attraction force in a closed system which as on planet earth in space is a repulsive force. In space it is a push force ratified by the force of the bubble and its pressure that is increasing from what we observe as the big bang.

This repulsive and constant pushing force that expands the universal bubble that surface is the space gravity force but in space and its action of maneuvering bodies like planets and stra as well as galactic bodies that exist as singularities throughout space is the same push force that causes the planets and galaxies to spin being pushed away and at a constant velocity. Is in The Quanta Physics Theory the same force we can measure space gravitation using the same equations as Isaac Newton laws as well as Relativity but with a difference. It is a repulsive push force in the stead of it all.

When we look not the atmosphere of space we observe it as open space that measures to be a zero-point energy vacuum.  All energy is retained in a closed mass like a planet or star or density of a single galaxy. A single body that unlike a planet closed system the space atmosphere is open. For the foremost the equilibrium of space is considered infinite by distance and useable. But when we observe its event horizon we have to take I the factual idea that it is shadowed by time and distance and thus is unobservable.

 The gravity of space the repulsive energy of a constant push force the universe space singularity reserves on all celestial matter is measurable when we observe the basis of its origin.

These are the mathematical formula:

What We Do Know

 To tell our story about self-objective inertia we should look at the expansion rate of the universe.        Space itself is pulling apart at the seams, expanding at a rate of 74.3 plus or minus 2.1 kilometers (46.2 plus or minus 1.3 miles) per second per mega parsec (a mega parsec is roughly 3 million light-years).

Equals: 44.7 miles per second every 3 million light-years

Travel for 3 million years at the speed of light in a spacecraft then multiple that distance times two and the universe will have enlarged approximately 45 miles.

Travelable speed limit at universe's crest line edge

 The observable universe has a diameter of about:

 93 billion light years times pi

279,000,000,000 light years 

Space itself is pulling apart at the seams, expanding at a rate of 74.3 plus or minus 2.1 kilometers (46.2 plus or minus 1.3 miles) per second per mega parsec (a mega parsec is roughly 3 million light-years).

279,000,000,000 light years

3,000,000      light-years


10,000 x 45 miles a sec = 450,000 miles a sec

(450,000 m/s) divided by L.S. = 372,000 m/s plus 78,000 m/s equals Speed without Limit

Equals: 44.7 miles per second every 3 million light-years

Quanta Physics Theory

E^=mg  (2.7c)


Using these equations, we can observe what sits in the background of the action. This expansion force is also how we can measure the gravitation that it exists by. In Quanta Physics Theory we use an inverse law that like what we observe in earth’s atmosphere as gravity in space can be measured in the same way.

In using this method, it is more easier to understand the details that a repulsive gravity force has weighed using an attraction force in its behavior on moving masses here on earth.

We drive in a car and observe that the force of acceleration on the automobile gas pedal in miles per hour on the mileage micrometer while driving the car reads 30 miles per hour.  We observe the force of acceleration on the pedal in actuality is a mechanical force of 60 miles per hour when we understand that the planets electromagnetic attractional force is acting on the automobiles body simultaneously as the car is driven. We observe the acceleration force to be 30 miles per hour of energy but when we review the idea that it takes two pounds of energy to push a single pound mass is at play here.

We observe that our car is accelerating at 30 miles per hour and that at the same time 30 miles an hour is contradicted by the gravity. Without both mechanical laws that apply in this theory we observe even though the engine is pushing the cars acceleration force of 60 miles per hour of energy to travel at 30 miles per hour it takes 60 miles an hour of force to do it.

So at 30 miles per hour on the micrometer it takes 60 miles an hour of force. We observe we are traveling at 30 miles per hour but the added energy is being used by the earth’s gravity force to slow its acceleration. We observe this action as friction. The car accelerates to 30 miles per hour but at the same time the gravity force is acting on the car and slows its acceleration causing the acceleration to use more energy than imposed.

It takes 50 percent of energy to accelerate the car where it also uses 50 percent more energy to travel at 30 miles per hour.

In space these same dimensions are inversed.

It takes 60 miles per hour of force but 50 percent of that force is accelerated to act against the force of the earth’s gravity. In space though we observe a repulsive push force in the example of the cars that is attracted by gravity on earth.  The same car traveling in space though there is no actual ground 0 force like the ground of the planet surface. In space a mass is dormant of energy that causes weight when on earth in space as a single mass the action between a ground energy and a moving body and the weight a body weighs on earth in space is dormant and without cause.

Our car in space retains no energy therefore no attraction. Space which is a repulsive push force acts on our automobile and its mass simultaneously in the same way attraction on earth applies. Our car therefore when accelerated by the car gasoline pedal accelerates to 30 miles per hour of force and not energy. As a repulsive force it takes less force to accelerate car – so what happens to the mechanical force that on earth is applied to accelerate against the earth’s gravity force in space the energy of acceleration that makes the car mass to accelerate to 30 miles per hour in mechanical energy is in actuality 60 miles per hour of force in space is added towards the ships acceleration. Our automobile having accelerated to 30 miles pre- hour instead in space will travel to 60 miles an hour.

Though these equations retain to the light speed calculus maintained in Relativity theory in Quanta Physics Theory we are not limited to any cosmological constant. In Quanta Physics Theory observing the pounds per force that apply in space for space travel illustrate and show how a ship able to travel at the velocity of light in actuality travels faster. 
