This exhibited in the equation: E=mºg²T-1second. (g² = 372,000 m/s).

   Definition for FASTER THEN LIGHT SPACE TRAVEL illustrates the difference between a gravitational field and interstellar density field space. It shows how traveling faster than light in empty space is possible and exhibits the two different density fields into a single equation E=mg²T-1second and how the existences of these two separate density fields are equivalent with the speed of light.

 A Simple Warp Drive

   Where the atomic particle is canceled out relative to linking two effects, it is easily seen that where the velocity of light can be observed to have greater acceleration values that can be observed due to effects by exterior sources in the same observation one canceling the other out than the new observation can be deemed valid as in this case.

   The universe is expanding under the pressure of expanding space that is seeping up and between the galaxy’s like water seeps up between two laying leaf in a lake from the bottom separating the leaves a part. But for the universe there exist a balloon type bubble at its center of mass slowly and at a constant the Hubble Constant growing from this concentrated round mass that was created at the same time by the big bang at the time of creation.

   This bubble has put a time limit on our universe so a few physicists believe. Physicists have foretold a zero-point time start for creation in all the physics books across the table and that this expansion rate seems to be evolving multiplying and erecting the space liquid. In the analogy, Rodney Kawecki has deciphered the strength and provisions this expansion is evolving at and simultaneously has discovered the resolution for this advancing super-gravity element. His predictions tell the story of an expanding universe that’s time clock seems to be in correlation with Hubble Law. But also and most importantly it has made it possible for him to calculate conditions about the expansion of space that tell a different story than just universe expansion. It tells a story of what Kawecki has named as “The Universe Reverse-Vacuum Space Field Drive. It is a new theory that illustrates the expansion conditions of the universe and enabled him to create new equations not only for space expansion but also for a sound and special formula for a repulsive reverse vacuum space medium.

   This new theory allows for faster than light space travel under standard conditions formed by an expanding universe the ability to travel distances across the cosmos in direct line with the ability to make sense of the material universe's effects of expansion with acceleration.

   For the last of its kind, Rodney Kawecki has deciphered a new theory on space travel that takes us beyond the sci-fi stories of science fiction and time travel and brings us back to the reality and the standard model. His is a new theory blooming before your eyes that will take mankind on a final journey through the stars to places never before thought realized before. With these equations, we will be able to advance space travel to places so far away in lesser time equated by any other physics theory that by only the gain of propulsion engineering and that capacity to do such for advancement that will not put us on hold by using the universe's own reverse-vacuum instrumental weight force in addition with normal acceleration methods so we can travel to any newly mapped goldilocks planetary system within our grasps and extend new planetary inhabitances for the earths human race.

                                The Universe's Reverse Vacuum Space Field Expansion

                                                Reverse Vacuum Energy equation  
                                                         e+h @ g 2.7c  =  FTL

   Dark repulsive energy is the name given to the mysterious force that is accelerating the rate at which our universe is expanding.

   We have known that our universe is expanding that its galaxies and clusters of galaxies are moving away from each other at great velocities – since the observations of Edwin Hubble in the 1940s. It was thought that the rate of expansion would slow down over time as gravity gradually exerted a braking effect. However, about 20 years ago it was surprisingly discovered that not only is expansion not slowing down, it is actually speeding up. Some repulsive force is pulling the universe apart and this force was dubbed “dark energy”.

   Unlike mass, energy can produce an attractive or repulsive gravity depending on whether the energy pressure is positive or negative. The vacuum energy in theory has negative energy pressures, the problem with modern gravity theory is 'gravity' in space can be viewed as a physical action created by a physical thing called “The Expanding Void". An imagery of a round sphere embedded at the central mass of an expanding matter universe that is expanding into an idle space condition. Like any rare egg when cooked it separates by a force in its center. This is what the universe's 'Primeval Egg" experience shows us it is doing. Some thought in cosmology thinking excites the idea that the universe retains no braking system to slow it down but more so that the bang is still in physical motion and nothing has stopped from day one.

   Known in The Quanta Physics Theory, space expansion is dubbed from an expanding universe theory illustrated by Erwin Hubble’s research shown as an expanding universe entailed into three parts. 1) Idle space the condition of a reactive material or element that allows the interaction of primeval forces. 2) The material universe. That part of the universe all made up of all matter existing throughout the project universe and makes up of about 6 percent of everything. 3) The expanding void: A physical deity evolving mid-center the universe causing it to grow or expand. In biblical terms also known as the void.

   Setting aside the factual basis of this expanding bubble as it has been called the void is reverse vacuum compression of a fifth element. Amongst the five primeval elements, it is space in a concentrated form caused by the explosion known to us as the big bang event. Its cause is the effect of an empty vacuum effect suppressed by reverse engineering formed in the middle aftermath of creation.

    This idea is equivalent to the cosmological constant used by Albert Einstein in his equations of general relativity and represents a constant energy density throughout space it is his notoriety of the "C' constant that was found to be invalid by the later Hubble Observations. The idea of virtual particles per se in vacuum could also show the alignment of unknown territory in physics. But space can be considered to be made up in two parts. 1) Idle Space that which we view daily in the sky. 2) The expanding element known to what is expanding all galactic planetary matter throughout the cosmos.

Repulsive Gravity

   “In the theory of general relativity, we usually assume that the energy is greater than zero, at all times and everywhere in the universe,” says Prof. Daniel Grumiller from the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the TU Wien (Vienna). This has a very important consequence for gravity: Energy is linked to mass via the formula E=mc². Negative energy would therefore also mean negative mass. Positive masses attract each other, but with a negative mass, gravity could suddenly become a repulsive force.

   Even if the matter is somewhat more complicated than previously thought, energy cannot be obtained from nothing, even though it can become negative. New research results now place tight bounds on negativity, whereby connecting it with quintessential properties of quantum mechanics. If I went into space and had an empty box/container and went outside to fill that box with space, what would be inside the box?

   1. Outer space, the void that exists between planets and stars, is not completely empty. Stars, planets, and moons keep their atmospheres by gravitational attraction. The density of atmospheric gas decreases with distance from the earth but there is no fine line where earth's atmosphere ends and outer space begins. If you take a box as far as possible from the influence of heavenly bodies and nebulae, you can theoretically say you are in "outer space" but outer space will still contain a low density of atomic particles (predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium), neutrinos, and dusts, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, and cosmic rays. All these elements are necessary to detect any type of gravity force. They are the elements.

   2. Vacuum is space devoid of matter. It would be nice if we could say that a vacuum is space devoid of matter and energy but quantum field theory tells us we can't. There is always background energy called vacuum energy in a vacuum. The effects of vacuum energy have been experimentally observed in phenomena such as the Casimir effect and the Lamb shift, and vacuum energy is believed to influence the behavior of the universe on cosmological scales. Therefore, a vacuum is not empty space. It is the ground state of space with the energy of the ground state called zero-point energy or what’s in Quanta Physics Theory is called "Idle Space". The latter does not mean zero energy per se but the minimum energy below which a thermodynamic system can never go. The sources of vacuum energy are virtual particles or particle pairs that pop into existence and then disappear immediately such that they can't be directly observed. The reverse vacuum of space separates these known quantities and keeps them separated helping in creating the attraction of matter throughout idle space. The repulsion vacuum is too great for the virtual particles' steady detection vacuum energy, especially of so small quantity.

    For now, the only way physicists can analyze these virtual particles is through mathematical abstraction. Whether they have concrete physical existence is controversial. If you intend to fill a box with vacuum, you can only do this in theory. The vacuum "inside" the box (not the box itself) will have virtual particles and zero-point energy only but it also can contain a physical effect or reaction of unknown elements at the third quarter.

   Reverse vacuum energy, in theory, has neither positive nor negative energies. It is an empty box. The problem with modern gravity theory is 'gravity' in space is repulsive and can be viewed as a physical action created by a physical thing called “The Expanding Primeval Egg". The imagery of a round sphere embedded at the center of mass of an all matter shelled universe that is expanding into an unknown yet idle condition of open empty space.

   In the case of our universe, this idle space action is an effect made by the big bang event itself. The false vacuum created by the big bang explosion expansion in an idle space condition that then evolves into model inflation we discover a vacuum hole at the center of creation where everything exploded from leaving it empty it has been formed where the bang started. The big bang has done what it did with regenerating matter, it also dug a three-dimensional hole for a reverse-vacuum and frequenting empty space. It created a reverse vacuum centralize system for expansion by absorbing idle space flexibilities combining it separately as a whole at the vacant center and formed this void space element into a physical concentrated space at the center of fusion the condition that illustrates why the universe is physically expanding by a physically embedded and concentrated body.


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