What Is a Gravitational Wave?
The Answer:
A gravitational wave is an invisible (yet incredibly fast) ripple in space. Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). These waves squeeze and stretch anything in their path as they pass by.
The problem with this analysis is who made the assumption gravity waves propagate at the same speed as the speed of light.
A gravitational wave is an invisible (yet incredibly fast) ripple in space.

We’ve known about gravitational waves for a long time. More than 100 years ago, a great scientist named Albert Einstein came up with many ideas about gravity and space. Einstein predicted that something special happens when two bodies—such as planets or stars—orbit each other. He believed that this kind of movement could cause ripples in space. These ripples would spread out like the ripples in a pond when a stone is tossed in. Scientists call these ripples of space gravitational waves.
Gravitational waves are invisible. However, they are incredibly fast. They travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Gravitational waves squeeze and stretch anything in their path as they pass by.
Made with this scientific claim we have discovered that light speed is not the fastest deity known to science. We do have excited repulsive forces in space that unlike those in planet environmental atmosphere are different than those. In a planet, environment gravity is the force of attraction. It slows the acceleration of moving objects and without a constant force to keep these surface objects in motion, they will finally stop.
In space, we have the repulsive force. A gravity force that acts in the same way as planet gravity but is repulsive. The space gravity is a force that accelerates moving objects in space to a zero mass-weight performance. An object able to accelerate to 500 miles per hour is actually traveling 1,000 miles per hour and so on up the chain of propulsion capacity.
Unlike planet gravity, the force acting on a moving object is slowed down by fifty percent its initial accelerated force. This is due to the attraction of the planet's gravitation. Whereby in space moving is not slowed down by fifty percent acceleration but is accelerated due to space expansion. So any moving objects acceleration force is enhanced by fifty percent. (not slowed by attraction)
When we review aspects to Einstein's view in these cases we discover that his theory to gravity in space stays the same. What attraction does to moving objects in a planet environment happen s also in space. Whereas Einstein's theory of gravitation in space fails based on the circumstance.
We review light velocity as a constant in relativity. As it is believed to be the fastest known deity to exist. But when we review Erwin Hubble's theories we discover space is enhanced and is accelerating even faster than light. What this does to the theory of gravitation is changes how we view gravity in space. As a repulsive force, a ship able to travel close to the speed of light (e) its acceleration is enhanced by the space gravity force and the ship travels 372,000 miles per second. The masses' initial weight is accelerated because it's not affected by any attraction force as it would be if the ship were on earth. The ship, therefore, travels its initial light speed velocity plus another 186,000 miles per second due to the lack of attraction. Push force only means that planetary bodies are advanced in a zero point gravity in space where attraction does not exist. The ship's acceleration that would otherwise be attracted causing the ship to slow down doesn't sow down at all but is initially enhanced not only by the lack of attraction forces ut is also accelerated by the universe's expansion that a push force abides by.
A.E. equation for or attraction with amass capable of traveling light speed is slowed down due to the force of attraction and can only travel 93,000 miles per second under earth gravity force conditions. In space, this same object has the ability to travel is true velocity which is equal to the speed of light 186,000 miles per second. Of course in space this same object now travels its true velocity 186,000 miles per second. But due to the universe's space expansion push force, it travels faster.
Theses facts are shown to equals 2.7c. 450,000 miles per second. This is equal to the velocity of light plus 1.7c more due to space universe expansion.

Albert Einstein, official 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.

The most powerful gravitational waves are created when objects move at very high speeds.

But what I have just explained to you show that in space gravity waves are propagated through events that a new scale of gravitation is measured by. Instead of a maximum velocity or universal constant that force is equal to the speed of light, it now follows the forces created by merger events that might show the existence of gravity waves exist in a greater effection of space interference than thought. 

Idle Gravity

When the universe expands it does by pushing outwardly. Like a balloon equally at all sections and all at the same time. Its put in spin by the repulsive of normal idle gravity particles that wish to be at rest, accelerating a push on the matter at an impulse rate that causes all matter to axis and spin and all the same way. Ripples in space are conditioned by these forces. If these impulse wave-particles are accelerated by the motion of its repulsive impulse to matter they may propagate at light velocity but this is only the beginning. And it is usually that shoke waves and forces that induce g-waves or ripples in space diminish over a specific length of planck-time.



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