A Whole New Universe

A Whole New Universal Idea
By: Rodney Kawecki 2019

The Quanta Physics Theory developed from December.24, 1997

      A ship travels in any direction will travel rite back to the place it was originally launched from.  In a flat space analogy this couldn't happen like the earth was once believed to be flat so was the universe. This was a constant contradiction made by Albert Einstein. A ship traveling at the speed of light will have accelerated up to close to 450,000 miles a second if it had the engine capacity to do it not was never measured by the specifications using the light speed model but changed using the Hubble Expansion Analogy new space field specifications in lute of zero non-energy interactions as maintained in Newtonian theory and measurable using mass equivalency in a vacuum made some years afterwards.  This does not violate relativity – it’s based on the universe’s length as balloon (450,000 miles a second) equivalence with density which allows it. It is space that is warp not the celestial matter in it that hasn’t changed but a ships speed can zoom to close that 2.7 light speed and here you are about to read and understand the mathematical equations that make this possible. And to some the universe is called ““The Arkin”” it is because it is not galactic or planetary matter that the universe resides in existence with but it is space itself. A concentrated re-make of the original dark vacuum that in the universes’ young beginning became repressed and warp by an explosion that re-curled and was so dense it made  bubble so concentrated that even today some billions of years later it expands.
    Space is warp meaning that it was stretched, curved, bent and blow outwards so dense that the submissions were rekindled back into itself reputed by the vast depths on the repulsive vacuum having created and formed it thus creating a dark black hole so deep where in this singularity a repulsive deep twisting constant and measured infinite repulsiveness releases pressure from somewhere in this seemingly endless cosmos dark matter element. Matter survived without diminishing and lies on top of the warp space. What makes the matter in the universe to expand is the pressure from the hole in it. Space has been warp and as consisting as a empty expanding vacuum has a zero point vacuum ground density but since it doesn’t consist as a close compartment as relativity insist it does – means that there exist no real limit to a ship velocity traveling on this expanding bubble. The galaxies orbit spreading at 2.7 miles a second per second away from each other at the edge of the universe. Physicists think that faster than light speeds in such a condition would illustrate a un-balance in the galactic orbitration speed meaning that the distance because of the expansion and its speed between galaxies is too much. We measure the distance between the galaxies and think how much they spread a part at 450,000 miles a second each second as way fast and way far apart. It’s all happening at the edge of the universe. The room between celestial sphere at the edge is the oldest area of the balloon. As the balloon gets bigger and bigger more and more room is available making the velocity the sphere’s orbitrate giving them the velocity under the open pressurizing realm more freedom. We don’t feel this change in the realm pressure because we reside in its grip but we can measure it from a distance. The space it resides in – is warp from the beginning but retains as a emptiness. The speed a ship can travel through this warp ship can be measured a sum Quanta Physics Theory by this author Rod Kawecki has deciphered. We have measured the speed between the galaxies and the velocity they expand at the universe’s edge and divide that distance and separation velocity by the speed of light which equals 278,000 miles a second..divide this sum by the speed of light equals 2.7 thousand miles a second. This is how we decipher the available universal speed limit in the equation sums. Albert Einstein deciphered the universal speed limit saying it was the speed of light because light measures at both levels a mass scale and a non-mass scale which fits well with measuring particle masses but does nothing for the universe’s speed limit. He deciphered these barriers with gravity and assumes empty space as static electricity. He also assumed his speed limit with a close universe compartment or as a bubble that has limited realm equilibrium of space. And it’s not – we reside outside the balloon or bubble surface. Reading the Quanta Physics theory you can discover the equations that prove this and why. Einstein also considered the zero point vacuum energy of open space possibly by adding a zero to his light made of ship. He never looked at squaring the velocity as in his equations but others have like Star Trek engine propulsion possibilities. The difference between general relativity and special relativity using time travel as a barrier traveling pass light speed you will time travel – is beyond the real truth. I have written five books using these deciphered changes found in relativity and my sixth will include the realm of the universe as I have mentioned in short length here but more are shown. All my books decipher as theory with faster than light hypothesis deciphered equations and explain the differences and why. I think we have to acknowledge a new beginning in a commercial space environment future from earth. I always wondered if god made a cat animal heaven like us – what you think.
    In the theory of Special Relativity written by Albert Einstein in 1904 faster than light velocity Interstellar Space Travel is just another word for Time Travel.  A Starship retaining the capacity to travel faster than light it travels into the past first before even thinking of the possibility to travel anywhere in time or into the future which traveling into the future in much easier. All you have to do is travel at a specific and steady velocity the speed of light and stay there – the future comes to you. According to Albert Einstein and his 1904 theory on special relativity insist one travels into the future by traveling at light velocity but new facts indicate that this may not altogether be the facts. You will learn why by reading this book.
    A ship traveling faster than light speed travels into the past time outside the ship slows down allowing the ship’s crew in the ship to push leaving more of the past of their future behind them.       
    According to relativity the ship travels faster than the planets rotational cycle into a state of universal motion called ‘The Fourth Dimension” it is a new dimension of time that seems universal this causing the motion on the planet or planets to slow down as the ship maintains a light speed or faster velocity. It takes a lot more propulsion power for a Starship to travel into any planetary past than the speed of light that takes you into the future.  The figures below explain the reason why. If a ship travels at precisely light speed the planets future passes them by allowing them to venture into the universe’s future. Each second the ship travels at light speed twenty-four hours pass on earth life cycle.
     These new addressed coordinates illustrate a space travel coordinate’s relative to the capacity of the ship’s propulsion valid of its engines that accelerate the ship. In Einstein’s mathematical formula – he in mistakenly mistakes the value in his formula by forgetting to enter a time travel coordinates the ship travels through space.  Without the time of the journey his formula lacks any type of real validity as a formula.
    The formula you are about to read below shows that there exist no time travel dilemma for actually time traveling based on a fourth dimension that actually under these test papers doesn’t exist – as a dimension of time.
    To tell our story about self-object inertia we should look at the expansion rate of the universe.        Space itself is pulling apart at the seams, expanding at a rate of 74.3 plus or minus 2.1 kilometers (46.2 plus or minus 1.3 miles) per second per mega parsec (a mega parsec is roughly 3 million light-years).
Equals: 44.7 miles per second every 3 million light-years
Travel for 3 million years at the speed of light in a spacecraft then multiple that distance times two and the universe will have enlarged approximately 45 miles.
Travelable speed limit at universe's crest line edge.

 The observable universe has a diameter of about:
 93 billion light years times pi
 279,000,000,000 light years  

Space itself is pulling apart at the seams, expanding at a rate of 74.3 plus or minus 2.1 kilometers (46.2 plus or minus 1.3 miles) per second per mega parsec (a mega parsec is roughly 3 million light-years).
279,000,000,000 light years
3,000,000      light-years
10,000 x 45 miles a sec = 450,000 miles a sec

(450,000 m/s) divided by L.S. = 372,000 m/s plus 78,000 m/s equals Speed without Limit
Equals: 44.7 miles per second every 3 million light-years


Why Relativity asserts to Warp Velocities:
    Warp velocity is the hardest tension that can be applied without causing damage of the pursuing body.  What sort of technology is necessary to travel faster than light at a velocity that allows travelling through space to planets and stars astronomically too far to travel otherwise. Why is this necessary? The reason is astronomical distances. In Quanta Physics Theory the fastest a ship might travel without any barriers that cause time dilation or time travel to occur. This velocity in Quanta Physics is called “Instantaneous Time Travel" It has little to nothing to do with time travel but is the fastest any ship might travel anywhere and at any time throughout the cosmos.
Under standard assumptions, specific orbital energy (e) of elliptic orbit is negative and the orbital energy conservation equation (the Vis-viva equation) for this orbit can take the form:
•        is the orbital speed of the orbiting body,
•        is the distance of the orbiting body from the central body,
•        is the length of the semi-major axis

     Warp-age between the fabric of space and the mass of our planet earth since relativity uses earth for his example thesis.  It is not anti-gravity or negative energy forces that repel the heavenly bodies in space but it is the universe itself in a critical immeasurable motion velocity as it turns thus dragging or pulling all the planets and stars inside a galaxy with it as it orbits. The cosmological theory argues the velocity of the universe’s drive motion as it turns creating the cause and effect throughout space. But Quanta Physics Theory goes completely further into designing a whole new theory about our universes origin and existence.
     Looking at Albert Einstein’s formula for traveling into earth’s Infinite Future I discovered that the mathematics he used just don’t pan-out as they said they do.  Observing the figures - there exist no flight time coordinates in the figures. It’s just seconds, minutes, hours and days that correspond to a set of numbers multiplying time on a clock.   
    In Quanta Physics Theory we look at time travel a little bit differently. It’s not based on a planets rotation cycle because planets and star systems usually are made up of groups meaning the effect on one planet affects the bodies of the other like in our solar system here on earth. In Quanta Physics Rodney Kawecki looked further into the possibility of time and time travel and discovered that early physicists were looking at the scenario differently than they should have. Instead of trying to out run a planets rotation which would only make the ship’s crew passing first at the winners’ line they should have been looking at the possibility of time itself.
     Time travel is just that a theory about time. So if we want change time or travel through time we have to create a time coordinates. Not the coordinates missing in Einstein’s formula for the speed of light but time itself. The winners line lies on the stretch where the momentum of time not on a clock but in the coordinates of the clock. If we are looking at time on a clock we see it at its shortest unit of time in seconds or on the second hand. One click two clicks etc. We reach the velocity of light at one second per second etc. We double our velocity we arrive at our destination in half the time a half a second. We do it again a fourth of a second and so on. We are not trying to beat the orbit of a planet or system of planets we are changing the coordinates of time by shortening its units from seconds into smaller units – much smaller units. (Some believe we should use the Planck time scale).
    We travel at velocities so great they seem impossible but maybe today they do but when we are putting time travel on the line – well. Our universes relative to units of time vary in different parts of space. But they are calculable to the different units to match in some decipherable formula. We travel at a speed that matches time on a clock that once measured seconds to units at the Planck scale in the billionths possibly. Time relative to its own units of measurement finally reach a zero point – time here has literally now stopped.  We have reached a velocity possible ten times light speed is that possible?  Is instantaneous space jumping possible?  
     When we look at the force of the fabric that holds gigantic galaxies in position believing that due to their weight they are trapped in a gravity well physically resisting what is holding them there we discover that a velocity relative to such a force is needed to travel through time if it is possible at all.  Is it?
      Quanta Physics explains a universe which is measured by weight and balances. What goes up must come down or the object is relative to the force that pushes it. Objects of mass are separated by resistance due to mass-matter adjoining at the center of the chunks nucleus.  If it weren’t this way all matter would act as a magnetic larger masses pulling on smaller masses to reform into a greater mass chunk of matter.  This is the basis consciousness of Quanta Physics Theory.


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